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Recipe Categories:

    Tanzanian Meat Stew

    Source of Recipe

    the web

    List of Ingredients

    * one or two pounds of stew meat (beef, lamb, or similar)
    * one-half cup oil
    * one tablespoon salt
    * juice of one lemon
    * one cup water
    * one teaspoon curry powder
    * one onion, cut up
    * two or three potatoes, cubed
    * two to four tomatoes, chopped (optional)
    * one or two carrots, chopped (optional)


    * In deep pan, fry the meat in half the oil. Add salt, lemon juice, and water. Reduce heat.

    * Heat remaining oil in another pan. Add curry powder while stirring. Add onions and potatoes (and optional vegetables). Stir over medium heat until onions are clear.

    * Add curry-onion-potato mix to meat. Simmer until meat and potatoes are done. Serve with Chapati or Rice or bread.




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