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Recipe Categories:

    Trinidad Sweet Bread

    Source of Recipe

    the web

    List of Ingredients

    * 1 cup sugar
    * 3 teasp. baking powder
    * 3/4 cup water or milk
    * 1 teasp vanilla essence
    * 1/2 cup mixed peel
    * 1 cup raisins
    * 1 egg
    * 3 cups flour
    * 1/2 cup margarine
    * 1 coconut, grated
    * 1 teasp Angostura bitters
    * 1/2 cup Maraschino cherries
    * 1/2 cup currants


    1) Mix grated coconut with sugar and a little water
    2) add egg and mix thoroughly
    3) add essence, bitters and margarine
    4) Sift dry ingredients together and add to coconut/egg mixture
    5) Add remaining water to make a soft dough, do not knead
    6) Add fruits and mixed peel
    7) Pour in prepared baking pan and bake at 350 degr. F. for 50-60 mins- remove from oven
    8) Mix a little sugar and water so make a syrup and baste on bread
    9) Return bread to hot oven for 3-4 mins




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