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    Zuppa di Spinaci

    Source of Recipe

    the web

    Recipe Introduction

    Spinach is popular in Italy, but spinach soups are not as common as one might expect. This recipe is drawn from Dall'Antipasto al Dolce, a promotional booklet Vincenzo Buonassisi put together for the Grana Padano consorzio, and will serve 6.

    List of Ingredients

    1 1/4 pounds (600 g) fresh spinach
    3 eggs
    A pinch of nutmeg
    1 2/3 cups (80 g) grated Grana Padano or Parmigiano Reggiano
    1 quart (1 l) simmering broth


    Wash the spinach well, heat it in the water that runs off the leaves until it is well wilted. Drain it, squeeze it dry, and blend it. Lightly beat the eggs and mix them with the blended spinach. Season the mixture with salt to taste and a pinch of freshly grated nutmeg, then stir in the grated cheese; the resulting mixture should be soft but firm. Pour the spinach mixture into the simmering broth, give it a good stir, cover, and turn off the heat. Let the soup sit covered for a few minutes, during which time the eggs will form a denser superficial layer. Ladle the soup into bowls and serve it with croutons.




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