Lighthouse Shrimp with Kiwi-Plum Salsa
Source of Recipe
Florida Agricutlure
List of Ingredients
1 1/2 pounds raw Florida shrimp, peeled and � cup soy sauce
deveined (with tails on)
1/4 cup Florida orange juice
2 cups cut Florida onions (approximately 1 1/2" x 1 1/2")
1 teaspoon ground oregano
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
2 cups cut Florida bell peppers
2/3 cup diced Florida radish
2/3 cup diced plums
1/4 cup vegetable oil 2/3 cup diced kiwi
Arrange shrimp, onions and bell peppers on skewers and set aside. In an 8-ounce container with a lid, combine oil, soy sauce, juice, oregano and pepper; cover and shake to mix well. Brush kabobs liberally with oil mixture and place on grill over medium-hot coals and grill 6 to 8 minutes on each side. Baste frequently while grilling. While shrimp are cooking, dice and mix together radish, plums and kiwi; divide evenly and serve with kabobs.
4 servings