Chicken in Savoury Jelly.
Source of Recipe
The Thorough Good Cook, by George Augustus Sala, recipes from 1896
Choose a very small spring chicken, which is to be
boiled as white as possible, then put it away to get cold ;
melt some aspic jelly, pour a little into a mould that will
just hold the chicken, cut some garniture with whites of
hard-boiled eggs and truffles, decorate the bottom, set the
mould on ice, and add by degrees a little aspic to set the
decoration ; when it is perfectly secure, lay in the chicken,
the breast downwards, and pour a little more aspic, which
should not be warm, only just in a liquid state ; continue
pouring in the aspic at intervals till it comes up level with
the back of the chicken ; keep the mould surrounded with
ice till it is to be dished, then dip it in hot water and
turn it out on the dish.