Nodini di Vitello ai Peperoni
Source of Recipe
the web
List of Ingredients
4 veal chops (the equivalent cut of T-bone steak), weighing about a half pound each
3/4 pound bell peppers, of the color you prefer
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
1 tablespoon olive oil
Vegetable oil
1/2 cup dry white wine, in which 1 teaspoon tomato paste is dissolved
1/4 of a bullion cube, crumbled
1 teaspoon minced parsley as garnish
Preheat your oven to 390 F (190 C)
Cut the peppers in two, removing the stems, ribs and seeds, wash them and dry them, rub them inside and out with a little vegetable oil, and roast them for about 20 minutes, or until tender. While they're still hot, peel off the skins and cut them into short strips.
Trim the gristle and fat from the meat, pound the slices lightly and flour them, shaking them well to shake the excess flour free. Place a skillet large enough for the chops to lie flat side by side over a medium flame with the butter and the olive oil. As soon as the fat is hot lightly brown the meat, turning it once and salting it lightly. Sprinkle the pepper strips over the meat, salt lightly again, and add the wine-and-tomato mixture. As the liquid comes to a boil sprinkle the crumbled bullion over the pan to season the contents. Simmer the contents for a few minutes, until the sauce is somewhat thickened, dust it with the minced parsley, and serve it at once.
Serves 4 and will take 45 minutes to prepare.
The editors note that you can also remove the meat to a platter and blend the peppers to make a creamy sauce to pour over it, and that the recipe also works well with pork chops or turkey breast.