Fluffy Angel Clouds
Source of Recipe
Cooking with Lyle
List of Ingredients
* 2 medium egg whites
* 75g/3oz Tate & Lyle Caster Cane Sugar
* 75g/3oz Tate & Lyle Icing Cane Sugar
* 5ml/1 level tsp cornflour
* 2.5ml/0.5 tsp vanilla extract
* To Serve
* 300ml/ 1/2 pint natural thick Greek yoghurt
* 350g/12oz seasonal prepared fruit like sliced star fruit, raspberries and orange segments
Preheat the oven to 110°C/225°F/Gas Mark 1/4. Line two baking trays with parchment paper. In a very clean, non-greasy mixing bowl whisk up the egg whites until stiff, white and very frothy using a balloon or rotary whisk. To test, tip the bowl slowly upside down and if the egg whites start to slip or move keep on whisking a little more. Sift the caster and icing sugar together. Whisk half the sugar (75g/3oz) a spoon full at a time into the egg white until the meringue is thick and stands in soft peaks. Using a metal spoon fold in the remaining sugar carefully along with the cornflour and vanilla extract. Spoon the meringue mixture into 10 even moulds onto the baking tray. Bake for 2.5 - 3 hours or until white, crisp and firm. When cool carefully peel off the meringues and place onto a wire cooling tray until cold. Top each meringue with the yoghurt and seasonal fruit of your choice. To vary: replace the sugars with soft brown sugar if liked.
( Makes 10)