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Recipe Categories:

    Munchkin Hamburgers

    Source of Recipe

    Strained Peas

    List of Ingredients

    1 lb. ground round steak
    2 Tb. grated onion
    2 egg yolks, beaten until lemon yellow
    1/2 ts. salt
    3 Tb. olive oil
    1/8 ts. salt
    2 c. biscuit mix
    1/4 c. milk
    1 Tb. water
    2 egg whites
    1/4 c. minced parsley


    Mix ground beef, onion, egg yolks, and 1/2
    t. salt together. Using a T., form little
    patties about the size of silver dollars.
    Heat the olive oil and fry patties until they
    are well browned. Set asides while you
    make the biscuits.

    Mix 1/8 t. salt into the biscuit mix, add
    milk. Stir until dough forms into a lg. ball.
    Place on a lightly floured board and pat
    flat until 1/2" thick. With a small cookie
    cutter about the size of the meat patties,
    cut enough biscuits to equal the number
    of patties. Add the water to the egg
    whites and beat with the egg white
    mixture. Place on a lightly greased cookie
    tin and bake at 375° for 15 min.; or until
    they are golden brown.

    Sprinkle minced parsley on top of the
    meat patties. Cut the biscuits in half and
    put the meat patties inside. Place in a
    350° oven for 10 min. You can prepare
    these hamburgers ahead of time and keep
    them refrigerated until meat time.




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