Blushing Eggs
Source of Recipe
the web
List of Ingredients
2 hard-boiled eggs
1 ounce cream cheese, softened
1 ounce canned tomato puree
3/4 teaspoon mayonnaise
1/4 butterhead lettuce, shreddedRecipe
Cut eggs in half lengthwise and scoop out yolks and mash. Combine yolks, cheese, tomato purée and mayonnaise in a bowl. Beat well to give a soft piping consistency, adding more mayonnaise if necessary. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Pipe mixture back into egg whites. Serve on a bed of lettuce.
Nutrition information per serving:
Calories: 78
Fat: 6.2
Cholesterol: 127mg
Protein: 4.3g
Carbohydrate: 1.3g
Fiber: 0.2g
Sodium: 59
Exchanges: 1/2 Lean Meat, 1/2 Fat