Grandpa Lamb's Moonshine
Source of Recipe
the web
Recipe Introduction
This is a recipe condensed from the actual "Golden Pond" Kentucky moonshine that Chicagoland gangster Al Capone is said to have asked for by name.
List of Ingredients
5 Lbs. cleaned cracked yellow corn
7.5 Lbs. sugar
2 1/2 packs of yeast granules Recipe
mix ingrediants in 5 gallon container and fill to top with clean water (not the flouride city shit-well water does best). Cover with cloth, not something that will seal as you will get a helluva bang if you do! Listen to the mash mixture and you will notice a distinct bubbling noise, this means your mash is working. Do not stir or disturb mixture!!! after 7 days, taste mixture; if it is sweet it isn't done. It could take up to an additional 3 or 4 days, depending on the ambient air temperature. Once sweetness is gone and distinct alcohol taste is present, you are ready to cook off the alcohol. I made a small still out of an old pressure cooker. remove pressure gauge and attach small copper tubing in hole. The copper tubing should come straight up, then bend 90 degrees for a couple of feet then bend straight down 90 degrees for a few inches then start to coil 8 to ten coils about 10 inches across. These bends and coils are easily accomplished with a tubing bender. The coils should fit into a 5 gallon bucket with the end of the tubing coming through a hole in bottom of bucket. Silicone or otherwise seal hole in bucket as this bucket will serve as your condenser. Strain mash mixture through clean towels and place in pressure cooker (Still). You can heat it on a propane fish cooker or as I do, on your stove. Keep condenser filled with ice. Slowly bring up the heat on the liquid, keeping it under boiling pt. You'll hear a burp come out of the end of tubing as steam condenses in condenser back to liquid. The liquid should not be a steady stream but more like drip, drip, drip, run, run, drip, drip, etc. Let liquid strain through 4 or 5 coffee filters into jars. After all is condensed- about one or two gallons, pour out remaining liquid in pressure cooker, clean and place alcohol back in cooker and run it again (this is called double running, and is the secret to smooth moonshine). Enjoy in moderation, this stuff will make you howl at the moon and shoot anybody who pisses you off.
If you like your 'shine charred, cut several small branches of white oak and place on grill and burn til charred. Wash off thoroughly and loosely fill jug with wood. Go to Cracker Barrel restaurant and get a bag of Hoarehound candy and some Wurthers' candy. Place 7 pcs. of each in jug with charred wood and pour 'shine over. Let stand 1 month to 1 year, or even better, 10 years!!! enjoy, again with extreme caution.