Lil Abner Dinner
Source of Recipe
the web
List of Ingredients
4 small or 2 large Pork Chops
A little oil for frying
4 small or 2 large Fresh Turnips (in produce section)
2 cans mustard greens (we like lots of greens, you may want less)
2 cans turnip greens (same as above note)
Onion powder (optional if desired)
Peel turnips and cut into LARGE bite-sized pieces. Boil until tender (check with fork), usually 10-15 minutes.
Drain all greens together in a strainer/collander and let sit draining until ready to use.
Fry pork chops until about half cooked. Season with Onion Powder (if desired)
Put pork chops in bottom of foil lined baking pan. Pour the greens over the top, covering all chops. Put boiled turnips on top of greens. Salt/Pepper to taste. Drizzle pan drippings over the top. Cover and bake at 350 for 1/2 hour.
Serving Suggestions
Goes really great with cornbread. With lots of greens, I usually don't cook it with any other side dishes.
It sounds strange, but it is really good.
Serves 2.