Rabbit to the ligure
Source of Recipe
Hotel Clio, Spotorno (SV) Italy
List of Ingredients
1 rabbit of beyond 1 Kg
1 middle onion
olives pit 100 gr
20 whole olives
Oil extra virgin of olive 1 glass
Pinoli 50 gr
2 clove of garlic
6 sprigs of rosmarino
1 glass of white wine
salt Recipe
Cut the rabbit asunder and brown until to color in "oil extra virgin of olive" with the minced onion, bathe it with the wine, salt and make cook for half our adding broth for time little; mince the "olives" you pit, the garlic, the pinoli and the rosmarino, add the minced to the rabbit, stir again, add other broth and carry to cooking in around an other mezz'ora; 5 minutes before remove from the fire unite the "olives" whole.