Hart County burgoo
Source of Recipe
the web
Recipe Introduction
Burgoo starts out stewlike but should be stirred and cooked enough that it's nearly homogeneous -- almost a gravy -- when you finish. If it's got big chunks of meat and vegetables, it's not burgoo.
At the annual barbecue festival in Owensboro, Ky., participants stir huge cauldrons of burgoo with a rake -- they have to stand on chairs to reach into the pots and they work in shifts so the stirring is almost constant.
List of Ingredients
2 pounds pork shank
2 pounds veal shank
2 pounds beef shank
2 pounds breast of lamb
1 4-pound hen
8 quarts cold water
1 1/2 pounds potatoes
1 1/2 pounds onions
1 bunch carrots, diced
2 green peppers, diced
2 cups chopped cabbage
1 quart tomato puree
2 cups whole kernel corn, fresh or canned
2 pods red pepper
2 cups diced okra
2 cups lima beans
1 cup diced celery
Salt and cayenne, to taste
Tabasco, to taste
A-1 sauce, to taste
Worcestershire sauce, to taste
Chopped parsley for garnish Recipe
Put all the meat in cold water in a 4-gallon or larger pot and bring slowly to a boil. Simmer until the meat is tender enough to fall from the bones. Lift the meat out of the stock. Cool and chop up the meat, discarding skin, bones, fat and other scraps.
Peel and dice potatoes and onions. Return meat to stock and add potatoes and onions. Add remaining vegetables. Allow to simmer until thick, stirring often. The vegetables should break up almost entirely, and the burgoo should be very thick, but still soupy. It can take up to 10 hours in all to cook.
Add seasonings to taste, continuing until the burgoo is almost done, approximately 10 hours in all. Pull out the pepper pods if you can find them. Add chopped parsley just before serving. Makes 3 gallons.
Note: Stir frequently with a long-handled spoon or paddle during the first part of the cooking and almost constantly after it gets thick.