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    Source of Recipe

    DOVE® PROMISES® Dark Chocolate

    List of Ingredients

    15 pieces of DOVE® PROMISES® Dark Chocolate

    6 Tbsp. (3 oz. or 3/4 stick) unsalted butter

    1/4 cup granulated sugar

    2 large eggs

    1/4 cup all-purpose flour


    Heat oven to 400ºF. In the top of a double boiler over hot water, combine DOVE® PROMISES® Dark Chocolate, butter and sugar until just melted. Add eggs and whisk until well combined; add flour and mix. Lightly grease four 4-oz. custard cups, muffin molds or ramekins with baking spray or butter. Distribute batter evenly among the four molds.

    *Place molds onto baking sheet; bake for 10 minutes. (DO NOT OVERBAKE. Sides will be set but centers should still be soft.) Carefully invert molds onto individual serving plates. Serve immediately with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or desired garnish.

    Makes 4 servings

    *Cakes may be made ahead up to this point and refrigerated for up to 8 hours prior to baking. Allow cakes to stand at room temperature at least 30 minutes before baking.




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