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    Nut Cookies

    Source of Recipe

    love to know RECIPES

    List of Ingredients

    2 eggs
    1½ tablespoons boiling water
    3 ounces sugar (scant½ cup)
    3 ounces flour (large¾ cup sifted flour)
    2 cups finely chopped walnuts
    ½ teaspoon salt


    To prepare this Nut Cookies Recipe 1, first put the ingredients together just the same as for Nut Cake, and put on a pan with a pastry bag or a spoon.

    Break the eggs into a mixing bowl, add the salt. Set the bowl in a pan of boiling water. Beat the eggs with a Dover egg beater till light. Then add boiling water. Beat again till light. Then add a little of the sugar, and beat. Then add a little more sugar, and beat. Continue adding a little sugar and beating till all the sugar is beaten in and the batter is very stiff and light. Remove the bowl from the water. Beat in the flavoring, then with a flat wire whip, called a "sensible egg whip," fold in the flour and nuts carefully and with as few strokes as possible, not sifting all the flour onto the batter at once, but adding on a little flour and nuts and folding it in with two or three strokes, then adding on a little more flour and nuts, and folding again. Continue till all the flour and nuts are folded in, but do not fold any longer than is necessary to mix in the flour.




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