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Recipe Categories:

    Knafe, a Lebanese pastry

    Source of Recipe

    The Worldwide Gourmet

    List of Ingredients

    1 package frozen phyllo dough
    225 g (1/2 lb.) butter, melted
    1 kg (2 lbs.) ricotta cheese
    125 ml (1/2 c.) pine nuts
    750 ml (3 c.) sugar
    5 ml (1 tsp.) lemon juice


    Shred the phyllo dough into a bowl until completely defrosted. As you shred the dough, gradually add in the melted butter to prevent the dough from sticking together.

    Divide the shredded dough into two separate portions.

    Spread one half of the dough in a well-buttered pan, arranging it evenly without compressing it.

    Form the ricotta cheese it into round flat patty shapes. Lay them on top of the prepared dough in the pan. Once the dough is completely covered by a layer of ricotta, evenly distribute the second half of the dough on top.

    Place the pan in the middle of a preheated 180° C (350° F) oven and bake for approximately 45 minutes, or until nicely browned. Remove the knafe from the oven and carefully flip it onto a larger pan, so that the bottom is now on top. Return to the oven and continue baking until this side is also nicely browned.

    Meanwhile make the syrup. In a saucepan, combine the 750 ml (3 c.) sugar with 375 ml (1½ c.) water. Place over high heat, stirring until the sugar dissolves, and bring to a boil. Once it is boiling, add the teaspoon of fresh lemon juice and continue boiling for several minutes to thicken the syrup slightly. Let cool.

    Serve the knafe with the pine nuts and the syrup.




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