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Recipe Categories:

    Mashed Cauliflower

    Source of Recipe

    Weight Watchers

    Recipe Introduction

    4 servings @ 2 pts each OR 6 servings at 1 pt each

    Recipe Link:

    List of Ingredients


    1 large head cauliflower
    1/2 cup fat-free chicken broth
    2 tsp garlic clove(s)
    3/4 tsp Mrs. Dash Garlic & Herb
    4 Tbsp. Promise Fat Free Margarine
    4 oz 1/3 less-fat cream cheese



    1. Chop cauliflower and mix with broth, chopped garlic and seasoning.
    2. Bring to a boil, cover and simmer 10 minutes. Liquid will be absorbed.
    3. Mash with 4 Tbsp.Promise FF margarine and 4 oz. of 1/3 less fat cream cheese.
    4. Add salt and pepper to taste.

    NOTES: You may use a mixer to mash cauliflower and blend with other ingredients.




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