Kathy's Pumpkin Bread
Source of Recipe
Peggy Frye @ South Shores Preschool in Laguna Niguel, CA
List of Ingredients
4 eggs
1 C cooking oil
3 C sugar
1 16 oz. can pumpkin
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. nutmeg
2/3 C water
1 1/2 tsp. salt
3 1/3 C flour
2 tsp. baking soda
Mix oil, sugar, eggs & pumpkin in mixing bowl.
Mix dry ingredients together in seperate bowl.
Add dry ingredients to pumpkin mixture.
Pour into loaf pans (a little over � full)
Bake 1 hour at 350 F.
Makes: 4 reg. sized loaf pans
5 batches = 40 baby loaf pans
20 eggs
5 C oil
15 C sugar
7.5 tsp. salt
5 tsp. cinnamon
5 tsp. nutmeg
5 cans pumpkin
17? C. flour
10 tsp. baking soda
If using baby loaf pans, use 8 & bake for 40 mins.