Nut Rolls
Source of Recipe
Judy's Recipe
1 lb. margarine (70% veg oil spread)
� pt. sourcream
1 can evaporated milk
6 egg yolks (save egg whites)
10 c. flour
3 T. sugar
1 t. salt
1 pkg. yeast dissolved in � c. water (per directions on pkg.)
Nut Filling (recipe follows)
In a large pot,( 8 quart), melt margarine, cool ( not cold), add milk, sourcream, yolks and yeast mixture. Sift dry ingredients add to margarine mixture. Work with hands until the dough forms a ball and leaves sides of pot. ( This takes several minutes). Put in a large bowl and cover with plastic wrap, refrigerate over night. Dough rises in the refrigerator. Cut into eight pieces. Working with 1 piece at a time roll out into circle about 1/8 inch thick. Spread with nut filling. Roll jelly roll style and place seam side down on a greased cookie sheet. Brush with reserved egg whites that have been beaten slightly with a whisk. Two rolls will fit on each baking pan. Prepare 2 rolls and let sit until the next 2 are prepared then bake in a 375� oven 30 to 35 minutes until brown. When cool wrap in plastic wrap then foil. Freeze or eat right away.
Makes 8 rolls
Great for gift giving!!!!!
Nut filling
2 lb. walnuts, ground (I use food processor with knife blade processing until the nuts climb walls of bowl, or use meat chopper)
2 cups heaping, granulated sugar
10 T. milk
Mix together to form a paste. ( It is easier to work with 1 pound of nuts at a time. (1 lb. nuts; 1 heaping c. sugar; 5 T. milk)
Each roll should get a little less than a cup of filling. Pack filling into 1 cup measure and then unmold on a plate, cover with plastic wrap to keep from drying out. ( I prepare these first then you are ready to fill rolls after rolling out the dough)