Ultimate Downhome Cookie Mix
Source of Recipe
Judy's Recipe
Use large funnel and large mouth jar, to make it easier to fill.
With a whisk, mix 1 cup flour, ½ tsp. baking powder and ½ tsp. soda together. Pour this mixture on the bottom of the jar. Pack it down with a tall pastic or metal container or soup can that will fit in mouth of jar.
Measure 1¼ cups of regular oatmeal that has been blended in a blender to a fine powder. Add to this one package [5.5ounce]plain Hershey chocolate bar that has been grated. Mix well. Layer this mixture on top of flour mixture in jar, packing down.
Measure ½ cup of white sugar. Pour over top of the oatmeal mixture, packing down.
Measure ½ cup of light brown sugar. Pour over top of white sugar, pack down.
Layer 1/3 to ½ cup of ground walnuts or pecans over top of brown sugar, and pack down.
Finish layering cookie jar with minature chocolate chips.
Screw on lid, add label and you will have a gift that's truly homemade.
Instrctions for making:
Makes 3 dozen cookies
Spoon chocolate chips and nuts from the top of the jar into small dish and set aside. Spoon brown sugar and white sugar into a mixing bowl. With electric mixer, cream ½ cup butter or margarine with sugars. Add 1 egg, and ½ tsp. vanilla, creaming together. Pour the oatmel and flour mixture into creamed mixture and mix thoroughly. Add minature chocolate chips and nuts and mix well. Roll into small walnut-sized balls and place 2 inches apart on a lightly greased cookie sheet. Bake 8 to 10 minutes in a 375º F. oven.
Ingredients:flour, sugar, brown sugar, soda, chocolate chips and nuts.
Make up decorative card to place on jar with the instructions as stated above, attach with a ribbon.