Email to Judy Gall Recipe Categories: jgll17's HOME PAGEAlcoholicDrinks APPETIZERS BBQ Beef BEVERAGES BREAD BreadMachine BREAKFAST CAKESandPIES CANDY CASSEROLES Chili Cooingfortwo COOKIES CROCKPOT DESSERTS DiabeticRecipes EggRolls ETHNIC Fastmeals FISHandSEAFOOD GiftJars Hamburger KitchenCrafts LighterAppetizers LighterBreads LighterCasseroles LighterCrockpot LighterDesserts LighterRecipes LighterRecipesfor2 LighterSauces LighterSideDishes LIghterSoups LighterVegetables LowCarbohydrate LowCholesterol LOWFAT LowSodium MARINADES MicrowaveRecipes PASTA PIZZA PizzaCrust Pork POULTRY SALADandDRESSING Salsas SANDWICHES SAUCES SeasoningMix ShakesandSmoothies SideDishes SNACKS SOUPSandSTEWS Tortilla39s VEGETABLES VEGETARIAN Crab Burgers Source of Recipe Judy's Recipe CRAB BURGERS 1 C. fresh or canned crab meat 1/2 C. diced celery 2 T. chopped onion 1/2 C. shredded Cheddar cheese 1/2 C. mayonnaise Mix all ingredients. Spread on toasted English muffins and broil a few seconds. Serve hot