Email to Lona L Nemeyer Recipe Categories: joelona's HOME PAGEAPPETIZERS BBQ BEVERAGES BREAD BREAKFAST CAKESandPIES CANDY CASSEROLES COOKIES CROCKPOT DESSERTS EGGS ETHNIC FISHandSEAFOOD FRUIT JAMSandJELLIES MARINADES MEATS MISC PASTA PIZZA POULTRY RICE SALADandDRESSING SANDWICHES SAUCES SNACKS SOUPSandSTEWS STIRFRY VEGETABLES Dutch "Koeken"Pie Crust (Or Tart Crust) Source of Recipe zaar List of Ingredients 1 cup flour,1/4 cup powdered sugar,1/4 lb.butter,1/4 cup fine chopped nutmeats(like almonds).Recipe Mix all with your hands,and pat into 9" pie plate just to rim.Bake 400* 12-15 mins.After cooling,fill crust with your choice filling.