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Johnstun, Jensen, Whipple Family Recipes

What's good to eat tonight?

Here is a recipe book everyone in the family can quickly and easily locate a favorite recipe. Instead of calling around, and looking in every cupboard, look here. Having had the hard job of taste testing recipes at all of these relatives, I can personally vouch for all of them being great cooks. Call and tell them how it tasted, and see about variations to the recipes. This can be printed out as a cookbook if you want one.

This is a resource for family members to retain it's heritage. Use it to keep in touch with family members, and eat well. This is a quick source to recipes that are traditions and family history. I want to use this as a place to post products and techniques of items for allergies and special diets. So tell me what has worked for your family, and what has not. I can also tell you about specialty food products.

Include with the recipe, who created it, where you got it, and who submits it. This will help everyone to know which recipe is who's. An introduction of why this is a recipe you like should also be included. Give enough detail to let all of us know about the recipe. At the bottom of each recipe you will see I include what you serve with it, and variations.

Tell me how many it serves and what you call it. I can eat everything you put on my plate, so I don't do portions like everyone else. Take into consideration that I like to eat, and big portions at that. Some of the serving sizes are hard to decide, because I am not a skinny, picky eater. So you should judge the recipe for your family. Say how long it takes to prepare and cook. I could create the recipes for the restaurants, but left naming them to someone else. I can cook and eat. I leave the creative things to others. Tell brand names that you use, including the phone number off the package if it is unusual.

Just remember that I do not use measuring instruments. So I would rather say you need about yeah of this and yeah of that. You will be able to tell which recipes are mine, and which are ones you ladies with measuring cups use.

Try these recipes as they are, then vary them to what you like for seasonings, or what you have on the shelf.

If the recipe you are looking for is not here, let me know, and I will get it included. I am looking to get recipes from each family in every family line. Recipes I am looking for are ones you eat every day, special occasions, holidays, favorites for people with allergies, quick meals, seafood, wild game, desserts, candy, bread, special diets, simple, etc. Especially put recipes in that you have eaten in different lands. Include all of your canning recipes too. Hope you catch on, every recipe you have eaten that was good.

If any recipes are hard to understand, or could be made differently, email me. To get recipes listed, requested, or recipe web sites you like listed, email me at:

This was started so I could teach some of our relatives' kids to cook. Doing this, would teach them to be able to survive and not die of starvation when they left their mom. But mostly, teaching kids to cook gives them a wider range of tastes and menu selection. By using different ingredients that are new to them, they can be exposed to and eat from many different cultures. They become less picky about what is on their plate when they cook it. The ultimate and sinister goal in teaching cooking to kids, is to give moms time to do other things, and have more quality time for the family.

Each person in the family, after the age of ten, should be able to cook a meal once a week. Then comes the clean up. Train the kids to cook and clean now, and when they become dads, you won't have to eat out when mom is at a meeting.

Recipe Categories:
CategoryLast Updated
3to5INGREDIENTS (9 )Sun 11/Aug/2002 15:36:22
AFRICAN (1 )Thu 15/Aug/2002 15:05:34
APPETIZERS (9 )Sun 11/Aug/2002 15:36:26
ATHELETICgameTAILGATE (5 )Sat 17/Aug/2002 04:16:20
BBQandGRILLING (3 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:00
BEANS (2 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:01
BEEF (11 )Sun 11/Aug/2002 15:36:32
BERRIES (2 )Sun 11/Aug/2002 15:36:34
BLENDER (1 )Sun 11/Aug/2002 15:36:37
BOYscouts (4 )Thu 26/Aug/2004 11:03:04
BRANDmixRECIPES (1 )Sun 11/Aug/2002 15:36:39
BREADINGandBATTER (4 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:01
BREADbiscuit (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:01
BREADflat (1 )Thu 15/Aug/2002 15:05:39
BREADfrozen (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:03
BREADmachine (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:01
BREADquick (1 )Thu 15/Aug/2002 15:05:41
BREADsweet (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:04
BREADyeast (4 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:01
BREAKFAST (4 )Thu 15/Aug/2002 15:05:44
BROWNIES (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:04
BRUNCH (3 )Thu 15/Aug/2002 15:05:47
BURGERS (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:04
CAJUN (2 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:04
CAKES (5 )Sun 11/Aug/2002 15:36:45
CAKESandPIES (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:01
CAMPING (4 )Tue 13/Aug/2002 12:24:09
CANDY (2 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:01
CANNEDfoods (5 )Sun 11/Aug/2002 15:36:48
CANNING (2 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:01
CASSEROLE (3 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:00
CATEGORIESandRECIPES (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:01
CATEGORIESneeded (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:00
CHEESE (10 )Sun 11/Aug/2002 15:36:53
CHICKEN (5 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:00
CHINESE (2 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:04
CHOCOLATE (8 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:00
CITRUS (5 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:01
CLAYpot (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:04
COLDmeals (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:01
CONDIMENTS (4 )Sun 11/Aug/2002 15:36:55
CONVERSIONS (6 )Sun 11/Aug/2002 15:37:00
COOKIES (4 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:00
CROCKPOT (2 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:01
CURRY (4 )Sat 17/Aug/2002 04:57:27
DEEPfried (3 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:01
DEFINITIONS (1 )Mon 12/Aug/2002 09:35:22
DESSERTS (20 )Sun 11/Aug/2002 15:37:06
DESSERTsauces (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:01
DIABETIC (2 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:00
DIPS (23 )Sun 11/Aug/2002 15:37:10
DRESSINGS (5 )Sun 11/Aug/2002 15:37:13
DRINKS (8 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:00
DUMPrecipes (5 )Sat 17/Aug/2002 04:20:53
EASYmeals (2 )Sun 11/Aug/2002 15:37:19
EGGS (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:04
EMERGENCYfood (1 )Tue 13/Aug/2002 12:24:48
ETHIOPIAN (1 )Thu 15/Aug/2002 15:05:54
FAMILIESonLIST (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:00
FINGERfoods (5 )Thu 15/Aug/2002 15:05:57
FONDUE (1 )Sun 11/Aug/2002 15:37:24
FOODprocessor (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:01
FOODstorage (4 )Sat 17/Aug/2002 05:02:40
FRENCH (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:01
FRUIT (19 )Sat 17/Aug/2002 04:18:59
GRILLmachinePANINI (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:01
HALLOWEENandSCARY (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:04
HANDheldFOODS (4 )Sun 11/Aug/2002 15:37:30
HERBS (3 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:04
HIKING (1 )Tue 13/Aug/2002 12:25:05
HOLIDAYS (4 )Sun 11/Aug/2002 15:37:33
HOWtoKNOWLEDGE (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:04
ICEcream (5 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:01
IFyouNEEDaRECIPE (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:01
INDIAN (1 )Thu 15/Aug/2002 15:06:00
INSECT (2 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:00
ITALIAN (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:00
JAMandJELLY (2 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:00
JELLO (2 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:01
JERKY (1 )Tue 13/Aug/2002 12:25:11
JEWISHkosher (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:01
KIDS (19 )Sat 17/Aug/2002 04:29:37
KOREAN (2 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:01
KoolAid (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:01
LAMB (1 )Thu 15/Aug/2002 15:06:05
LOCATEaRECIPE (6 )Sun 11/Aug/2002 15:37:43
LOWcarb (4 )Tue 13/Aug/2002 12:25:24
LOWfat (2 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:01
MACandCHEESE (2 )Sun 11/Aug/2002 15:37:46
MAINentrees (29 )Thu 15/Aug/2002 15:06:08
MAKEbasicINGREDIENTS (2 )Sun 11/Aug/2002 15:37:56
MANUFACTURERSproductRECIPES (6 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:01
MARINADES (3 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:00
MEATLOAF (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:04
MEATS (29 )Thu 15/Aug/2002 15:06:11
MEXICAN (2 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:01
MICROWAVE (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:04
MILKSHAKES (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:02
MIXES (3 )Thu 15/Aug/2002 15:06:14
MUFFINS (3 )Thu 15/Aug/2002 15:06:16
NEEDEDregionalFOODS (1 )Sun 11/Aug/2002 15:38:04
NUTSandSEEDS (3 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:01
PARTY (4 )Sat 17/Aug/2002 04:25:20
PASTA (7 )Sun 11/Aug/2002 15:38:11
PASTRIESandFILLINGS (2 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:00
PEANUTbutterSANDWICHES (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:01
PHILIPPINES (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:04
PICKLING (3 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:00
PICNIC (2 )Sat 17/Aug/2002 04:27:19
PIESandCRUSTS (5 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:01
PIZZA (3 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:00
PORK (5 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:00
POTATO (2 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:00
POTLUCK (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:01
POULTRY (4 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:42:59
PRESSUREcooker (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:01
PUDDING (2 )Sat 17/Aug/2002 04:23:03
QUANTITYconversion (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:01
QUANTITYcooking (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:00
QuickCOOKING (2 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:00
RECIPESsubmittedBY (1 )Tue 13/Aug/2002 12:25:55
RECIPEwebsites (1 )Fri 16/Aug/2002 06:45:48
RESTAURANTrecipes (2 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:00
RICE (4 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:00
RICEcooker (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:01
SALAD (4 )Sat 17/Aug/2002 04:09:23
SALSA (3 )Sun 11/Aug/2002 15:38:13
SANDWICHES (6 )Sun 11/Aug/2002 15:38:16
SAUCES (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:01
SAUSAGES (2 )Tue 13/Aug/2002 12:26:04
SEAFOOD (12 )Tue 2/Nov/2004 19:51:05
SIDEdishes (20 )Sat 17/Aug/2002 04:32:07
SMOKING (1 )Tue 13/Aug/2002 12:26:14
SMOOTHIES (6 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:00
SNACKS (8 )Tue 13/Aug/2002 12:26:19
SORBET (2 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:04
SOUP (3 )Sun 11/Aug/2002 15:38:30
SOUPSandSTEWS (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:01
SPICEmixes (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:04
SPREADS (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:04
SQUASH (3 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:01
STEW (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:01
STIRFRY (2 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:01
SUBSTITUTIONS (3 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:01
SUGARfree (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:01
SYRUPS (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:01
TANZANIA (1 )Thu 15/Aug/2002 15:06:19
TOFU (3 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:00
TOMATOES (1 )Fri 16/Aug/2002 05:12:00
TUNAcasserole (2 )Sat 17/Aug/2002 05:14:20
TUNAsandwich (1 )Sun 11/Aug/2002 15:38:36
VEGETABLES (15 )Sun 11/Aug/2002 15:38:39
VEGETARIAN (8 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:01
WHEATfree (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:43:00
WILDgameVENISON (1 )Tue 13/Aug/2002 12:26:37
WRAPS (3 )Thu 15/Aug/2002 15:06:22
YOGURT (2 )Sun 11/Aug/2002 15:38:44
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Total Number of Recipes582

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Brandon Johnstun

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