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    Dilly Beans

    Source of Recipe

    Submitted by Brandon Johnstun From Ball Blue Book

    Recipe Introduction

    This is a fantastic recipe. It is best with asparagus. Use this for formal dinners or just a great side dish. The pepper gives it a bite, but not any heat. If you want more heat, add it in.

    List of Ingredients


    Cutting board
    Measuring cup
    Stirring spoon
    1 Tsp
    Hot pad
    4 Pint jars
    4 Rings and Lids
    Water bath canner
    Grip for lifting jars
    Funnel for jars


    2 lb String beans
    4 Heads garlic
    1/4 C Pickling salt
    2 1/2 C White vinegar
    2 1/2 C Water
    1 Tsp Red pepper flakes
    4 Heads of dill


    Serves: 4 quarts
    Time required: Prepare: 50 minutes Cook: 10 minutes
    Difficulty: Average


    1. Clean and sterilize jars, lids, and rings.

    2. Boil salt, vinegar, water, and pepper.

    3. Pack beans in jars with ends trimmed to length to fit in jar. If beans are smaller than jar, put the longest on the outside for apperance, and stack the shorter ones in the middle of the jar. Pick you best to put on the outside of the jar. Tilt jar on side and put the best beans next to glass. Work your way around the jar, filling in the middle to keep the edges in place. When you are 2/3 of the way full, tilt jar up and fill in next to glass. It is easier to push and force the jar full of beans in the middle.

    4. Pour boiling mix through funnel into jars, leaving 1/2" headspace.

    5. Add 1 to 2 garlic cloves per jar.

    6. Add dill head to each jar.

    7. Get all bubbles out of liquid.

    8. Wipe and clean up threads and top of jar.

    9. Put lid and ring on.

    10. Put jars in water bath canner, and make sure jars are completely covered with water.

    11. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to maintain a rolling boil. Start timing when it boils for 10 minutes. This is the time for both pints and quarts.

    NOTE: Check with your local Extension Office to get the time for your elevation, and latest updates.

    12. After 10 minutes, take jars out, making sure you keep jars level and not tipping. If you do you will break the seal. Place jars on a towel to keep them off of the counter. This will keep the jars from cracking.

    13. Make sure the jars seal by listening for the pop.

    14. Take and leave off the ring after it is cooled down. Clean the threads and next to the lid to prevent spoilage.

    15. Store in a cool, dark and dry place.

    Serve with

    Any formal dinner.


    *This is best made with asparagus.




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