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Email to Brandon Johnstun      

    Raspberry Sorbet

    Source of Recipe

    Submitted by Brandon Johnstun From Torani

    Recipe Introduction

    Sorbets are great for a hot day, end the evening during the summer, or finish off any light meal.

    Recipe Link:

    List of Ingredients


    Measuring cup
    Measuring spoon, 1/8 Tsp
    Ice cream maker, or a baking pan


    2 C Fresh or frozen raspberries
    1 1/2 C Torani Raspberry syrup
    1/2 C Water
    1/8 Tsp Salt


    Serves: 1 quart
    Time required: Preperation: 5 minutes Chill: 45 minutes
    Difficulty: Easy


    1. In a food process or blender, combine all ingredients and process until pureed.

    2. Chill well, then freeze in an ice cream maker according to manufacturer's instructions.

    To make in a refrigerator:

    1. Pour into a shallow 8- or 9-inch metal or glass baking dish and allow liquid to freeze.

    2. Remove to blender or food processor and blend until smooth.

    Serve with

    Use as a between courses tongue refresher.

    Use instead of ice cream.

    Add whip cream to some of this. Have the sorbet first, cover with whip cream mix, then top with only whip cream. Top the whole thing with the fruit you used for the flavor and some mint sprigs.


    *Puree up some real fruit.




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