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    Garlic Vinegar Sauce for Lumpia

    Source of Recipe

    Submitted by Brandon Johnstun From Sally's Place

    Recipe Introduction

    This is a good sauce to dip your lumpia and other finger foods in.

    Recipe Link:

    List of Ingredients


    Measuring cup
    Cutting board


    1/2 cup vinegar, preferably coconut or palm
    2 cloves of garlic, smashed
    Salt to taste


    Serves: 1/2 C
    Time required: Prepare: 5 minutes
    Difficulty: Easy


    1. Take garlic out of paper skin. Then smash it on cutting board with the side of the knife. Cut the garlic up thinly. Turn the knife over so the back of the blade is what you use to smash the garlic like you were cutting it. Then add some salt to help smash it up some more with the edge of the knife.

    2. Mix all ingredients together and set it out for dipping.

    Serve with

    Lumpia and other finger foods for appetizers.


    *Add any other spices or herbs you would for your favorite vinegrette.




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