Email to Brandon Johnstun Recipe Categories: johnstun's HOME PAGE3to5INGREDIENTS AFRICAN APPETIZERS ATHELETICgameTAILGATE BBQandGRILLING BEANS BEEF BERRIES BLENDER BOYscouts BRANDmixRECIPES BREADbiscuit BREADflat BREADfrozen BREADINGandBATTER BREADmachine BREADquick BREADsweet BREADyeast BREAKFAST BROWNIES BRUNCH BURGERS CAJUN CAKES CAKESandPIES CAMPING CANDY CANNEDfoods CANNING CASSEROLE CATEGORIESandRECIPES CATEGORIESneeded CHEESE CHICKEN CHINESE CHOCOLATE CITRUS CLAYpot COLDmeals CONDIMENTS CONVERSIONS COOKIES CROCKPOT CURRY DEEPfried DEFINITIONS DESSERTS DESSERTsauces DIABETIC DIPS DRESSINGS DRINKS DUMPrecipes EASYmeals EGGS EMERGENCYfood ETHIOPIAN FAMILIESonLIST FINGERfoods FONDUE FOODprocessor FOODstorage FRENCH FRUIT GRILLmachinePANINI HALLOWEENandSCARY HANDheldFOODS HERBS HIKING HOLIDAYS HOWtoKNOWLEDGE ICEcream IFyouNEEDaRECIPE INDIAN INSECT ITALIAN JAMandJELLY JELLO JERKY JEWISHkosher KIDS KoolAid KOREAN LAMB LOCATEaRECIPE LOWcarb LOWfat MACandCHEESE MAINentrees MAKEbasicINGREDIENTS MANUFACTURERSproductRECIPES MARINADES MEATLOAF MEATS MEXICAN MICROWAVE MILKSHAKES MIXES MUFFINS NEEDEDregionalFOODS NUTSandSEEDS PARTY PASTA PASTRIESandFILLINGS PEANUTbutterSANDWICHES PHILIPPINES PICKLING PICNIC PIESandCRUSTS PIZZA PORK POTATO POTLUCK POULTRY PRESSUREcooker PUDDING QUANTITYconversion QUANTITYcooking QuickCOOKING RECIPESsubmittedBY RECIPEwebsites RESTAURANTrecipes RICE RICEcooker SALAD SALSA SANDWICHES SAUCES SAUSAGES SEAFOOD SIDEdishes SMOKING SMOOTHIES SNACKS SORBET SOUP SOUPSandSTEWS SPICEmixes SPREADS SQUASH STEW STIRFRY SUBSTITUTIONS SUGARfree SYRUPS TANZANIA TOFU TOMATOES TUNAcasserole TUNAsandwich VEGETABLES VEGETARIAN WHEATfree WILDgameVENISON WRAPS YOGURT Orange Shrimp Alfredo Source of Recipe Submitted by Brandon Johnstun From Sunkist Recipe Introduction Recipes with the citrus in them, are great for summer time lunch or dinner menus. You can give the recipe a hint of the flavor or make it a major taste. Recipe Link: and try of Ingredients Tools Knife Cutting board Measuring cup Measuring spoon, 1 Tsp Frying pan Stirring spoon Ingredients 16 Shrimp, #16-20, peeled and deveined 1/2 C Red onion, diced 1/4 inch 1/4 C Olive oil 1 lb Orange segments 3/4 C Orange juice, fresh 2 C Prepared alfredo sauce 4 Tsp Chopped Fresh dill 1 1/2 lbs Fettuccini, spinach, cooked drained, warm 1/4 C Tomato, diced 1/4 inch Recipe Serves: 4 Time required: Prepare: 20 minutes Cook: 20 minutes Difficulty: Average Directions 1. Cut shrimp in half lengthwise. 2. Saute shrimp and onions in olive oil. Cook until shrimp just begins to turn pink. 3. Add 3/4 orange segments and orange juice, bring to a simmer. 4. Stir in Alfredo sauce and dill, blending thoroughly, heating through. 5. Add fettuccini and toss to coat with sauce. 6. Mound fettuccini with sauce on serving plate. Garnish with diced tomatoes and remaining orange segments. Serve with A crunchy green salad, crusty bread with garlic butter, and start with fried cheese and zuchinni. Variations *Add a little lime or lemon juice. Try it with a blood orange. *Add in some juilenned zuchinni and yellow squash, along with a variety of bell peppers. *Top off the dish with a breaded and sliced breast of chicken.
Recipe Link: and try