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    Strawberries in Lemon-Lavender Syrup

    Source of Recipe

    Submitted by Brandon Johnstun From Driscolls

    Recipe Introduction

    This is a great syrup to mix with berries, fruit or top off anything like french toast to ice cream. This recipe was made by Leslie Revsin for Driscoll's.

    Recipe Link:

    List of Ingredients


    Cutting board


    1 (1-pound) package Driscoll’s strawberries
    6 Tbl Water
    1/4 C Fresh lemon juice
    3 Tbl Sugar
    3 Tbl Dried lavender flowers
    Whipped cream, optional

    NOTE: You can find the lavender flowers in the bulk herb or scent sections of the supermarket. Or try 2 to 3 whole cardamom seeds in place of the lavender.


    Serves: 4
    Time required: Prepare: 5 minutes Cook: 5 minutes
    Difficulty: Easy


    1. Rinse and drain strawberries. Hull and cut into halves or quarters into a large bowl and set aside.

    2. Combine water, lemon juice, sugar and lavender in pot. Simmer over low heat, stirring occasionally, for about 3 minutes or until sugar is dissolved and lavender is infused.

    3. Strain syrup, discarding the blossoms.

    4. Pour strained syrup over berries and toss gently to mix.

    5. Serve berries and syrup right away in pretty glass bowls or stemmed glasses. Garnish with whipped cream, if desired.

    NOTE: You can prepare the syrup in advance and let it cool. Toss with berries just before serving.

    Serve with

    A slice of pound cake.

    Marshmallow brownie with raspberries instead of strawberries.


    Use other citrus juice, and top with or cook with mint.




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