FLAN de COCO (dessert)
Source of Recipe
Recipe Introduction
Flans are a popular custard-like dessert, popular in Latin cultures.
List of Ingredients
1 can of evarporated milk
1 can coconut cream,
1 can of condensed milk
3 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup of sugar (for caramel)
1/2 cup water(for caramel)
In a saucepan over medium heat cook the sugar with the water until carmelized.Then coat your flan pan with the caramelized sugar.Then in a blender mix the remaining ingrediates all-together. Pour into the flan pan. Put the flan into *bon-marie, and cook in oven at 350° for 1 hour.Remove it from the oven and let cool off, before putting it in the refrigerator.
*"bon-marie" also known as "baño de Maria". Bano de maria is a larger pan that has an been filled with an inch of water. You place the flan's pan into this larger pan, this will help cook the flan.