Plain and Simple Black-Eyed Peas
List of Ingredients
1 lb. Black-eyed peas (dried)
1/2 lb. Salt pork (as lean as you can find it) Recipe
Wash and pick over peas. In a large saucepan or Dutch oven, cover peas with about an inch of water. With a sharp knife, make several cuts into the salt pork (almost down to the rind, but do not cut through). Add salt pork to peas.
Cover, bring to boil, reduce heat and simmer about 1-1/2 hours, or until peas are tender. During cooking, check water level and add more, if necessary.
Notes: Serve these with fresh sliced onions and tomatoes, hot cornbread and butter. A heavenly meal for a Kentuckian, a Southerner or anyone who can enjoy a meal that doesn't necessarily include a big hunk of meat.