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Recipe Categories:

    Beer Can Chicken

    List of Ingredients

    1 3-4lb Roaster Chicken
    1 can beer
    Spice rub (any of your favorite spice for chicken mixed together)


    Thoroughly clean and dry chicken inside and out.
    Sprinkle some of the spice rub into the cavity of the chicken, then rub spices on the outside of it (both under and over the skin).
    Open the can of beer and drink about 1/4 of it. Remove tab and poke more holes in the top of the can. Pour some spice mix into the can.
    Sit the beer can in the middle of a roasting pan. Position the cavity of the chicken overtop of the beer can so the chicken is sitting upright (it looks really funny).
    Bake at 350 until done.
    Make a gravy out of the drippings.




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