Email to Sarah Recipe Categories: leslie's HOME PAGE4thofJuly APPETIZERS BBQ BREAD BREAKFAST BUTTER CAKESandPIES CAMPBELLSSOUP CANDY CASSEROLES CELEBRITY CHEESECAKES CHILIDOGBAKE COOKIES CROCKPOT DESSERTS DIP EGGS FISHandSEAFOOD GLAZES GRANDMASKITCHEN KIDFRIENDLY MEATS MEXICANFOODS NOODLES PASTA POULTRY PoundCakes RICE SALADandDRESSING SANDWICHES SAUSAGEANDKRAUT SEASONINGS SIDEDISHES SOUPSandSTEWS VEGETABLES WEIGHTWATCHERS Sprite Pound Cake Source of Recipe angelofpassions @ORB Recipe Link: http://www.ourrecipebox.comList of Ingredients 3 cups sugar 3 sticks margarine or butter 6 eggs 3 cups flour 3/4 cups Sprite 3 teaspoonslemon flavoring Recipe Cream sugar and margarine until smooth. Add one egg at a time and beat. Add flour and stir. Combine Sprite and lemon flavoringand mix into batter until smooth. Bake at 325 degrees in loaf pan for one hour or until cake tester comes out clean
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