Email to Sarah Recipe Categories: leslie's HOME PAGE4thofJuly APPETIZERS BBQ BREAD BREAKFAST BUTTER CAKESandPIES CAMPBELLSSOUP CANDY CASSEROLES CELEBRITY CHEESECAKES CHILIDOGBAKE COOKIES CROCKPOT DESSERTS DIP EGGS FISHandSEAFOOD GLAZES GRANDMASKITCHEN KIDFRIENDLY MEATS MEXICANFOODS NOODLES PASTA POULTRY PoundCakes RICE SALADandDRESSING SANDWICHES SAUSAGEANDKRAUT SEASONINGS SIDEDISHES SOUPSandSTEWS VEGETABLES WEIGHTWATCHERS Grandma's Sweet Slaw Source of Recipe unknown List of Ingredients 1/2 cup white sugar 1/2 cup mayonnaise 3 medium carrots, shredded 1 medium head cabbage, cored and shredded Recipe In a large bowl, stir together the sugar and mayonnaise. Add the carrots and cabbage, and mix until well coated. Serve chilled.