Linda McCartney's Aubergine Caponata
List of Ingredients
from Linda McCartney
This dish is best chilled for 24 hours, before serving with pasta or rice, and a salad.
1 large aubergine
1 small onion
1 stick celery
1oz / 25g olives
1oz / 25g capers
2½tbsp olive oil
1tbsp chopped fresh parsley
1tbsp wine vinegar
2tsp sugar
1 x 7oz / 200g tin chopped tomatoes
1tbsp tomato purée
1. Dice the aubergine into small cubes and sprinkle generously with salt.
Leave on a plate for about 20 minutes to draw out the bitterness.
2. While the aubergine is standing prepare the rest of the ingredients.Chop the onion, celery, olives and capers into small pieces.
3. Heat the olive oil in a deep frying pan and sauté the onion and celery for about 5 minutes, until lightly browned.
Now wash the salted aubergine thoroughly, drain and add to the saute, a few cubes at a time so the pieces do not absorb too much oil. However, add more oil if necessary.
4. Add the remaining ingredients, cover the pan and simmer, over a medium heat, for 30 minutes.