List of Ingredients
1/2 lb fine bulgur (cracked wheat - also known as burghul)
3 small green onions - finely chopped
2 bunches finely chopped parsley
3 Tbs finely chopped fresh mint (or 2 Tbs crushed dried mint)
2 firm tomatoes - chopped
4 Tbs olive oil
Juice of 1 lemon (at least 4 Tbs)
salt and pepper
All the above quantities may be varied according to taste. Parsley should dominate this dish.
Soak bulgur in hot water for at least 1/2 an hour. It will expand. Drain and squeeze out as much moisture as possible.
(If you cover the bulgar with hot water, let it sit, it should soak up all the water)it is then ready to use. Sprinkle it with lemon juice.
Mix bulgur with onions. Add the rest of the ingredients, the parsley,tomatoes, mint, olive oil, lemon juice. Mix well. Add salt and pepper.
Let this sit in the fridge for about an hour. Before serving, sprinkle with more lemon juice and oil..mix well
taste for seasoning.