Email to linda tennessee Recipe Categories: lindatn's HOME PAGEAPPETIZERS Beans BEVERAGES Blintzes BREAD BREAKFAST butters CAKESandPIES CANDY CASSEROLES CELEBRITYRECEIPES Cheese Cheesecake COOKIES CookingwithandforKids Crepes CROCKPOT DeepFried DESSERTS DUCK EasyeasyEasy EGGS ETHNIC FISHandSEAFOOD FlavoredButters Fondue Fooddescription FRITTATA FRUIT Herbs HolidayTime Home-made IceCream International JAMSandJELLIES KitchenTips LOWFAT MARINADES MEATS MICROWAVE MISCfunfoods Mixes ONEpancooking Oriental PASTA PICKLES PIZZA Potatoes POULTRY Questionstoponder quiche REQUESTEDREQUESTS RICE ROUX SALADandDRESSING SANDWICHES SAUCES sidedish slimdown SNACKS SOUPSandSTEWS sourdoughstarter Spices Stir-Fry SUBSTITUTIONS tarts TeaPartyTime Tennessee thequotOTHERquotedibles VEGETABLES VEGETARIAN WeightWatchers Bread and Butter Pickles List of Ingredients 12 large cucumbers 6 small onions 1/2 quart vinegar 1 cup sugar 1/4 cup salt 1 tbs. each of celery seed, ginger root, and mustard seed Recipe Slice pickles and onions and add salt. Let stand for one hour. Add the balance of ingredients and boil for 5 minutes. Can and seal while hot.