List of Ingredients
1 box regular matzos
1 egg , beaten
2+ cups minced onion
1+ cups finely chopped fresh parsley
Salt to taste & lots of freshly grated black pepper
Matzo meal
Water or broth
Your best veggie broth (put lots of celery in)
Crush up matzos (the crackers) in bowl and cover with water. Let soak 1/2 hour or so. Then "squish up" through fingers until it is kind of a dough.
Dry sauté the onions in nonstick large deep pot (or sauté them in a greased large deep pot). Remove from heat when edges are brown and liquid has mostly evaporated. Stir in "squished" matzos, then the egg-likes, then the fresh parsley. Add matzo meal or water (or broth) to get to the right consistency.
Add salt & pepper to taste--(or other herbs, or garlic if you like). Refrigerate at least an hour, or overnight. Roll into 1" balls. Cook the matzo balls in boiling broth until they float to the top, or about 10 minutes. Serve 1-3 in a bowl of your best veggie broth.
To make denser, add more meal, to make softer, add more water. You might need to play with this--if you want it more "noodley" you can add more egg-likes; we like them to sink like a stone in the pot, then when they've cooked through, still have a dense consistency; this is a matter of taste. Mix them up then cook a few "test balls in salted water" & taste. Then add this or that - you know,play with it