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Recipe Categories:

    Basic Tiramisu

    Source of Recipe

    chum recipes 052000 nancy's kitchen

    Recipe Link:

    List of Ingredients

    1 (6 oz.) pound cake, cut into 1/2-inch cubes
    8 oz. Mascarpone Cheese (If you can't find Mascarpone us
    8 0z. Ricotta and double the amount of heavy cream.)
    1 1/4 cup heavy cream
    2 large eggs
    2/3 cup granulated sugar
    1/4 cup water
    1 packet unflavored gelatin
    1/2 cup water
    1/4 cup granulated sugar
    6 tablespoons Coffee or Amaretto flavored liqueur
    (Non-alcoholic substitute: same amount of strong coffee
    1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
    Unsweetened Cocoa Powder (optional)
    Whipped Cream (optional)
    Shaved semi-sweet chocolate for garnish


    Spread cake pieces evenly in a 9-inch glass baking dish
    and set aside. In a mixing bowl beat cheese and heavy
    cream at high speed with a mixer until they are
    thoroughly combined, at least 5-minutes, then set aside

    In a separate mixing bowl, beat eggs until fluffy,
    approximately 6 - 8 minutes. Meanwhile, in a sauce pan
    set for high heat combine 2/3 cup sugar and 1/4 cup
    water and bring to a boil, stirring frequently. Cook
    until the sugar thoroughly dissolves or until it reaches
    250 degrees (F) on a candy thermometer. Very gradually
    mix the boiling sugar syrup into the beaten eggs.
    Continue beating until slightly cooled, at least
    3-minutes, then set aside.

    In a small bowl, combine 3 tablespoons of water with
    gelatin and let stand for about 5-minutes. In a small
    saucepan over high heat, combing 1/2 cup water with
    remaining 1/4 cup sugar and bring to a boil. Cook until
    sugar dissolves, aproximately 3 - 4 minutes. Remove
    from heat and stir in liqueur, vanilla and gleatin until

    Fold 3/4 cup of the liqueur mixture into the egg
    mixture, then gently fold in cheese mixture to combine.
    Drizzle the remaining liqueur over the cake cubes.
    Spatula the cheese mixture evenly over the top of the
    cake cubes. Refrigerate until firm, at least 1-hour.
    Garnish with a sprinkling of cocoa, whipped cream and
    chocolate shavings, if desired. Serves 5




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