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Email to Ruth Johnson      

    Kickin' Burgers

    Source of Recipe

    Recipe Introduction

    These burgers are better than any fast food or frozen premade burgers around. Hubby created them and I must admit, he has them MASTERED!

    Recipe Link:

    List of Ingredients

    1 lb. lean ground beef
    1/2 diced onion
    1 tbsp. barbecue sauce
    worchestershire sauce to taste
    tabasco sauce to taste
    1/2 tsp. minced garlic
    1 tsp. coarse salt
    fresh cracked black pepper to taste


    Mix spices and onion with barbecue sauce. Add ground beef and mix well. Let sit in fridge for 1/2 hour. Form into patties and put on a hot grill. Flip when first side is cooked. Serve on hamburger buns while still hot.

    *We rarely have leftovers but when we do, we heat them for 1 min. in the microwave and they taste great!

    We have also added 1/2 tsp. hot mustard for a different taste. This was also a big hit.

    Recipe appears in July 15, 2007 edition of Easy Tastebud Delights.




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