12/11/2011 National Noodle Ring Day Noodle Ring with Creamed Chicken
Source of Recipe
Grab An Apron
Recipe Introduction
When : Always December 11 National Noodle Ring Day is a December day that kids young and old have been impatiently awaiting......yeah, right! What would cooking be like without the noodle ring? We shudder to think about it. We are certainly relieved that the Noodle Ring exists, so we can cook them in one recipe after another. And, doesn't it make sense that we honor the Noodle Ring with its own very special day!? BTW: Is the proper term "Noodle Ring" or "Ring Noodle"? We will let you make the call on this important question. Get your fill of noodle rings today. After all, that's what this day is for. Holiday Insights
List of Ingredients
HOME COOKIN� 12/11/2011 National Noodle Ring Day Noodle Ring with Creamed Chicken
1 lb. noodles
3 eggs
3/4 cup Carnation Milk diluted with 1/4 cup water
1/2 tbsp Worcestshire sauce
Dash of salt and pepper
2 tbsps catsup
1 cup cheese
Creamed Chicken:
One 4 or 5 lb. chicken, cooked until tender
3 cups chicken stock or Carnation Milk, undiluted
3 tbsps finely cut celery
3 tbsps finely chopped green pepper
1 tbsp finely cut parsley
Salt to taste
1/2 cup butter or chicken fat
4 tbsps flour
1 1/2 cups mushrooms, canned or fresh, fried in butter
1/2 cup pimiento, cut in thin strips
2 egg yolks
Cook the noodles and drain.
Beat eggs well.
Combine with other ingredients.
Add to noodles and pour into buttered ring mold.
Set in a pan of hot water and bake in a moderate oven (350 degrees) for 45 minutes.
Unmold carefully onto large platter and fill the center with creamed chicken.
After chicken is cooked, remove meat from bones and cut in cubes.
Fry the celery and green pepper in the bottom of the pan with a little of the chicken fat.
Heat the butter, add the flour and stir until blended.
Add stock or milk and cook until thickened, stirring constantly.
Add chicken, celery, green pepper, mushrooms, pimiento and parsley.
Just before serving, add the yolks of the eggs mixed with some of the mixture.
Season with salt and paprika.
Pour this into the center of the noodle ring.
Over the chicken, sprinkle tiny bits of pimiento and a generous dash of paprika, and over the noodle ring finely cut green pepper.
Onion cups filled with buttered carrots, bits of cranberry marmalade and parsley can be used for garnishes.
Serves 8.