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    Ice Cream Bonbons

    Source of Recipe


    List of Ingredients

    Ice Cream Bonbons

    1 qt ice cream
    2 c chopped pecans or other nuts
    12 oz semisweet chocolate pieces
    1/2 c margarine
    1 tbsp instant coffee powder


    Make your ice cream balls with a large melon ball scoop. Roll each ball in nuts immediately and put in freezer until completely frozen, at least 1 hour.

    Melt the chocolate and margarine in a double boiler over hot water. Mix in the coffee. Take away from heat but keep warm over hot water. Using a fork, dip the ice cream balls into the chocolate-coffee mixture, working as quickly as possible. Dip sets of 10 or 12 at a time, then return to freezer and continue.

    When the chocolate is set completely, put the bonbons in paper cups, 3 or 4 to a serving. Cover or wrap with foil or plastic wrap and store in your freezer until ready to serve.




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