Roll the Can Ice Cream
Source of Recipe
List of Ingredients
Roll the Can Ice Cream
2 empty cans, 1 lb. & a 3 lb. with
plastic lids
1 1/2 c. rock or kosher salt
20 c. (about 7-1/2 lbs.) crushed ice
1 c. heavy cream
1/3 c. any of the following:
diced peaches, crushed
diced strawberries
1 c. milk
1 tsp. vanilla
Combine ice cream ingredients in smaller can.
Cover can tightly with lid and set in the center of the larger can.
Layer 1/2 the ice alternately with 1/2 the salt in the empty space between cans.
Cover the larger can with lid. Roll the can back and forth 10 minutes on a hard surface.
Open outer can, empty old ice and water.
Lift out small can, wipe lid dry and remove.
Scrape ice cream from sides with a knife.
Replace in large and re-pack with remaining ice and salt.
Cover and roll about 5 more minutes or until done.