ROD 6/26/2006 Harp Music Day Betty Harp's Homemade Rolls
Source of Recipe
Recipe Introduction
The harp is one of the oldest stringed instrument. They can be seen in Egyptian tomb paintings and are part of many legends and folklore. During the middle ages, they were about 28" high - small enough to be carried around by troubadours as they traveled the countryside. By the 17th century, they were much larger instruments with a stronger sound and more strings. Harps are regaining popularity today as people rediscover the unique sound of Celtic music.
List of Ingredients
ROD 6/26/2006 Harp Music Day Betty Harp's Homemade Rolls
Step 1: Mix 1 package dry yeast, 1 cup lukewarm water and 1 cup self-rising flour. Cover bowl and let stand for 30 minutes.
Step 2: Add 1/2 cup Crisco, 1 1/2 cups lukewarm water and 1/2 cup sugar to the above. Knead.
Step 3: Gradually add 5 1/2 cups self-rising flour, kneading until batter is fully mixed and formed in a ball. Place in a covered bowl and refrigerate until time you wish to prepared for a meal.
Step 4: When ready to prepare for meal, use portion of batter you think you will need for your family. Kneading on a floured baking sheet, like biscuits, cut out and bake in a greased baking pan in 450 degree oven after letting it rise in pan about 2 hours before baking time. Keep batter you don't need for this meal in refrigerator in covered bowl. the excess oil. Serve hot.