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    TNT Candy Sticks

    Source of Recipe


    Recipe Introduction

    These adorable treats resemble sticks of dynamite. They are the perfect party treat or favor for an Old West-themed birthday celebration.

    List of Ingredients

    TNT Candy Sticks

    Black licorice


    1. Take seven 5-inch red stick candies and place them together in a bundle.

    2. Cut a 7-inch piece of black licorice candy.

    3. Sandwich the piece of licorice, with one end extending, inside the bundle of stick candy.

    4. Cut about a 22-inch piece of black licorice and wrap it around the bundle of stick candy.
    5. Tie the black licorice so the candy bundle stays in place.

    5. Cut off loose end of licorice to desired length for the "fuse."

    Seven 5-inch red stick candies




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