Baked Alaska in Candied Orange Cups Reci
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Baked Alaska in Candied Orange Cups Recipe Recipe: by Chef Tom Houle/Naman's Catering
Posted on May 21 2010 in category: Other
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Baked Alaska in Candied Orange Cups
5 large Naval Oranges
3 cups Sugar � for Sugar Water
� cup Sugar � for Meringue
� cup Sugar � for Cups
1 cup Water
3 Egg Whites
� tsp Cream of Tartar
6 -1/2�Slices Pound Cake
1 sm tub Orange Sherbet
1 sm tub Vanilla Ice Cream
Cut oranges in half and remove juice and pulp from the orange with a spoon. Steam oranges in water until tender. Drain and set aside.
Mix 3 cups sugar and water together in heavy bottom pot. Bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Place orange cups into the simmering syrup for about 25 minutes, turning them over several times. Remove from syrup and drain on wax paper. Roll cups in � cup sugar and cool.
Cut pound cake into rounds about the size of a half dollar (or to fit inside of orange), for a total of 20 rounds. Place one pound cake round in the bottom of each orange cup. Next fill each cup with 2 Tbsp of vanilla ice cream. Next fill each cup with 2 Tbsp of orange sherbet and then top with another 2 Tbsp of vanilla ice cream. Top each cup with pound cake round. Cake layer should not fill higher than the top edge of the orange cup.
Whip egg whites and cream of tartar until fluffy and gradually add � cup of sugar and beat until stiff peaks form. Smooth over the top of each orange cup. Place on cookie sheet and broil under a broiler until lightly browned. Place in freezer until ready to serve.
Executive Chef Tom Houle