Cream Cheese & Cherry Strudel
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Cream Cheese & Cherry Strudel
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Published: Wed, December 08, 2010
Holiday treat by Jennifer Haffner/Jesse�s on the Side
Cream Cheese & Cherry Strudel
One standard Puff Pastry sheet
8 oz cream cheese softened
� cup sugar
1 egg
Cut Strips of thawed puff pastry one inch wide and 3 inches deep
along both sides of pastry (about 16 strips along the length of the pastry sheet)
Mix cream cheese, sugar & egg together and spread down the center of the pastry.
Lift the strips and crisscross one at a time over the filling. Brush pastry with egg
wash and sprinkle with sugar.
Bake for 30 minutes at 375 degrees in conventional oven or at 350 degrees in convection oven.
Top with Cherry Compote
Cherry Compote
1 can of tart cherries
� cup sugar
� tsp nutmeg
1 tblsp lemon juice
2 tblsp cornstarch dissolved in 4 tblsp water
Cook in saucepan over medium to medium high heat for 10 to 15 minutes until thickened.