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    Mama;s Little Notebook
    Homemade Mac'n'Cheese

    This is a friends recipe...delish!!

    * 8 tbsp butter
    * 6 tbsp flour
    * ½ tsp Cayenne Pepper
    * salt & pepper to taste
    * 3-3/4 cups hot milk
    * 4 cups grated cheddar cheese
    * 1lb macaroni noodles cooked
    * ½ cup heavy cream
    * ½ cup bread crumbs


    1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
    2. Melt 6 tbsp of butter in medium sauce pan over low heat.
    3. Add flour and cook, stirring constantly, for about 4 minutes. You may have to turn up the heat. The flour mixture must foam as it cooks or the sauce will have a raw flour taste.
    4. Stir in cayenne and season to taste with salt & pepper.
    5. Whisk in hot milk, ½ cup at a time and cook, stirring until sauce thickens.
    6. Reduce heat to low and stir in 2 cups of cheese, stirring constantly until cheese melts, about 2 minutes.
    7. Combine cooked pasta and sauce in large bowl.
    8. Sprinkle ½ cup of cheese over the bottom of a buttered 8x11 baking dish. Place a third of the pasta in the dish and top with ½ cup of cheese. Then repeat, layering pasta & cheese and ending with cheese. You should get about 3 layers.
    9. Pour cream over assembled mac & cheese.
    10. Melt remaining butter (2tbsp) in skillet, add bread crumbs. Stirring to coat.
    11. Sprinkle bread crumbs over mac & cheese.
    12. Bake until crust is golden, about 30 minutes. Allow to rest for 15 minutes before serving.
    13. Enjoy!




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