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    Egg onToast

    Source of Recipe

    My Mom

    Recipe Introduction

    Mom didn't call her early morning ritual "poached egg". It was always "egg on toast" to her. I was well into adulthood before I linked the two. She would make this for herself on most mornings. Dad would have his cereal with fruit or perhaps a fried egg or pancakes. But Mom only wanted her egg on toast. She'd also make it for anyone else who wanted it. The younger kids got theirs cut into bite-sized pieces. She always did the eggs just right. Never over or under cooked. Just perfect.

    List of Ingredients

    1 egg
    A pinch of salt
    Slotted spoon


    Boil water in a small saucepan.
    Add a pinch of salt.
    Reduce heat to low.
    When the water stops boiling,
    swirl it around with the slotted spoon.
    Quickly crack the egg and release the
    contents into the center of the whirlpool.

    Cook for 3 to 4 minutes, depending on
    how gooey you like your yolk.

    Serve on hot, buttered toast.
    Salt and pepper to taste.


    Note from my niece Jennifer about Mom's egg on toast when she'd come to visit her Gramma:

    "My favorite food of Grandma's was a toss up between her soups or her egg on toast. I'm going to have to go with her egg on toast though. It wasn't just the great recipes for me it was the great conversation and stories that came with all that cooking. Somehow it always ended up just me and Grandma having breakfast by ourselves. She would fix me my egg on toast with my little glass of juice. She was usually in the middle of writing someone a letter so she would sign off for the time being and give me her undivided attention. She would ask me about boys and all my girlfriends, she would always remember all their names and what I had told her the last time about them. I remember she would always tell me how pretty I was and that I looked just like my mother and I had pretty wavy hair like my father. Grandma would tell me stories how she and Grandpa met (and how she was older), how she came down and helped mom take care of us kids when we were born. We had a mutual like of cooking so we would always talk recipes and she would show me her favorite recipes. I remember every time we would come to visit she would be copying down recipes from the t.v. Whatever did happen to those recipes??? Usually at this point Grandpa would come in and eat his little bowl of cereal or some fruit and the three of us would just chat. Grandma gave me one of her recipe books and that is the best gift I ever received from her because I knew how much she loved to cook and she knew how much I loved to cook. She loved that I married a Chef!!! I miss my breakfasts with my Grandma. - Love Jennifer"




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