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Email to Marian Christensen Brown      

Recipe Categories:

    Beef Stew

    Source of Recipe

    Me & my Mom

    List of Ingredients

    1-1/2 to 2 pounds stewing beef cut in 1" chuncks
    1 large onion, diced
    1 tsp. minced garlic (2 large cloves)
    2-1/2 cups water
    2 Tbsp. ketchup or tomato paste
    1-1/2 cups sliced carrots
    1 cup sliced celery
    1/2 cup frozen peas
    1/2 tsp. dried marjoram or thyme leaves
    3 Tbsp. all-purpose flour
    1/8 to 1/4 tsp. black pepper
    1/4 tsp. sea salt
    1/2 cup water


    In a 4 quart sauce pan, saute onion in a bit of oil. Add garlic and saute one minute more, or until you can start to smell the garlic. Remove from pot to a small bowl; set aside.

    Brown all sides of beef cubes in the same oil; a few peices at a time. A bit more oil may be required.

    Add water and ketchup. Bring to a boil. Lower heat, cover and simmer for 1 hour.

    Add carrots and celery; stir to combine well. Let simmer for an additional 20 minutes.

    NOTE: if making early in the day, stop at this point and refrigerate until ready to continue.

    When ready to serve, add onion mixture and peas.

    Bring to a boil. Thicken with a paste of all-purpose flour, pepper, salt, marjoram/thyme and water. Pour slowly into stew while stirring gently but constantly until well blended. Return to boil. Reduce heat to medium and allow to cook about 5 more minutes.

    Add a small amount of gravy browning if desired.

    Serve with hot cooked potatoes; plain or mashed.




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