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Recipe Categories:

    Food Addatives II

    List of Ingredients

    Additional addatives from Kristin Eddy, of The Chicago Tribune.

    * QUININE HYDROCHLORIDE--- Synthetic flavoring agent used in bitters and fruit flavorings for beverages.

    * SODIUM BENZOATE-- Preservative used mostly in acidic foods; also used in the ice on which fish are displayed in markets

    * TARTARIC ACID---A natural crystalline compound found in tart-tasting plants such a tamarind and unripe grapes; used in gravies and soups.

    * UNMODIFIED FOOD STARCH---Vegetable based thickener used in gravies and soups.

    * VANILLIN---A synthetic flavoring substitute for vanilla extract, often from tree bark.

    * WHEY---A watery liquid that separates from the solids, or curds,in cheesemaking. Used as a binder and may be found in baked goods and ice cream.

    * XANTHAN GUM---Fermented corn sugar used as a thickener and stabilizer in dairy products and salad dressings.

    * NATURAL FLAVORINGS---A broad range of flavorings from vegetable or animal sources, designed to enhance flavor in processed foods.

    * YEAST EXTRACT (autolyzed)---Yeast-derived flavor enhancer that gives meatlike flavor to vegetarian foods.

    * ZEIN---A corn protein used in nuts, grain products and confections as a coating or glaze.
    Additional addatives from Kristin Eddy, of The Chicago Tribune.

    * QUININE HYDROCHLORIDE--- Synthetic flavoring agent used in bitters and fruit flavorings for beverages.

    * SODIUM BENZOATE-- Preservative used mostly in acidic foods; also used in the ice on which fish are displayed in markets

    * TARTARIC ACID---A natural crystalline compound found in tart-tasting plants such a tamarind and unripe grapes; used in gravies and soups.

    * UNMODIFIED FOOD STARCH---Vegetable based thickener used in gravies and soups.

    * VANILLIN---A synthetic flavoring substitute for vanilla extract, often from tree bark.

    * WHEY---A watery liquid that separates from the solids, or curds,in cheesemaking. Used as a binder and may be found in baked goods and ice cream.

    * XANTHAN GUM---Fermented corn sugar used as a thickener and stabilizer in dairy products and salad dressings.

    * NATURAL FLAVORINGS---A broad range of flavorings from vegetable or animal sources, designed to enhance flavor in processed foods.

    * YEAST EXTRACT (autolyzed)---Yeast-derived flavor enhancer that gives meatlike flavor to vegetarian foods.

    * ZEIN---A corn protein used in nuts, grain products and confections as a coating or glaze.





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